Inspire Forward-Thinking Brands Across Industries
Let's Unlock the Power of African Contemporary Art
Why Choose African Contemporary Art In Corporate Spaces ?

At Artkofa, we offer a range of comprehensive artwork solutions for office spaces, creative events, and personalized commissions.

Incorporating art into the workplace creates a meaningful and impactful statement about your company culture. It not only enhances employee happiness but also boosts overall company performance. Additionally, art serves as a powerful tool for effectively communicating your brand values to employees and customers.

At Artkofa, we prioritize fair representation of emerging, mid-carrer and established artists across all our projects. We are committed to ensuring that these talented individuals receive the recognition they deserve. Moreover, we actively support artists in need through charitable grants, thereby making a significant social impact through our collaborations.

By partnering with Artkofa, you not only enrich your business with exceptional artworks but also contribute to a more inclusive and supportive art community. Together, we can create a lasting impression while uplifting underrepresented artists and fostering positive change.

According to a study made by the University of Warwick:
  • 92% of employees declare that their working environment has a direct impact on the quality of their professional results.
  • 87% believe that quality of working life benefits employees and companies.
  •  A good quality of working life increases productivity by 12%.

We make buying art accessible

Curated Artists

We develop a
relationship of trust with
our artists f
rom around the world

Delivery and returns

Neat packaging by experts and international shipping.

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By card, bank transfer or Paypal. Artkofa doens't keep any of your bank details.

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  • Entry tickets to Art Fairs and Exhibitions.
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